Tony’s father was Eric Albert Parsons and his mother Violet Dorothy Titchmarsh. The key ancestor families for these patrilineal and matrilineal lines are shown in the trees below.

One of the first things to do in family research is to seek out the stories from the remaining ancestral informants.
Tony was the only child of Violet and Eric and recalled his matrilineal grandparents well; having lived with his grandfather Titchmarsh for a while. His patrilineal grandparents, Herbert and Alice Parsons had both died before he was born. Both Eric and Violet were living when we started this project but unfortunately Eric the only one able to provide historical input to the narratives. All of his information is included or utilized to open new avenues for exploration. Violet and Eric both died in 2016, both aged 102 years.
At the start of the project we were aware of four family names to research and they were Parsons, Titchmarsh, Perrin and Rider. These were Tony’s grandparents names. We had no others but many new ones were identified during the research.
The majority of the research concentrated in the East Anglia region of England, incorporating Cambridgeshire, Essex, Huntingdonshire, Norfolk and Northamptonshire. We do manage to get to America in the 1900’s with some of the Parsons family. Tony’s emigration to Australia was in 1965, so no early colonial stories here; although we did discover two distant cousins who settled in Queensland, Australia in the mid 1840’s.
The following trees should assist in navigating the site but there are some gaps that we have not been able to fill even with DNA sampling. More work needed.